glossy small spheres + sun (directional)
eye light (10.20 s)
Iterations: 363
path tracing (11.35 s)
Iterations: 55
light tracing (10.64 s)
Iterations: 97
progressive photon mapping (11.16 s)
Iterations: 64
bidirectional photon mapping (12.83 s)
Iterations: 32
bidirectional path tracing (12.59 s)
Iterations: 33
vertex connection and merging (13.93 s)
Iterations: 25
glossy large mirror sphere + ceiling (area)
eye light (10.19 s)
Iterations: 368
path tracing (11.28 s)
Iterations: 50
light tracing (10.95 s)
Iterations: 57
progressive photon mapping (10.65 s)
Iterations: 41
bidirectional photon mapping (13.14 s)
Iterations: 25
bidirectional path tracing (12.90 s)
Iterations: 25
vertex connection and merging (13.23 s)
Iterations: 17
glossy small spheres + point
eye light (10.14 s)
Iterations: 555
path tracing (11.22 s)
Iterations: 64
light tracing (10.59 s)
Iterations: 81
progressive photon mapping (11.01 s)
Iterations: 50
bidirectional photon mapping (11.23 s)
Iterations: 25
bidirectional path tracing (13.19 s)
Iterations: 33
vertex connection and merging (10.52 s)
Iterations: 17
glossy small spheres + background (env. lighting)
eye light (10.19 s)
Iterations: 362
path tracing (11.09 s)
Iterations: 57
light tracing (10.57 s)
Iterations: 138
progressive photon mapping (10.63 s)
Iterations: 74
bidirectional photon mapping (11.15 s)
Iterations: 33
bidirectional path tracing (12.22 s)
Iterations: 41
vertex connection and merging (12.72 s)
Iterations: 30