glossy small spheres + sun (directional)
eye light (60.20 s)
Iterations: 2135
path tracing (61.12 s)
Iterations: 302
light tracing (60.68 s)
Iterations: 573
progressive photon mapping (61.04 s)
Iterations: 354
bidirectional photon mapping (62.80 s)
Iterations: 160
bidirectional path tracing (62.46 s)
Iterations: 166
vertex connection and merging (62.79 s)
Iterations: 118
glossy large mirror sphere + ceiling (area)
eye light (60.18 s)
Iterations: 2206
path tracing (61.28 s)
Iterations: 285
light tracing (61.26 s)
Iterations: 318
progressive photon mapping (61.35 s)
Iterations: 238
bidirectional photon mapping (62.27 s)
Iterations: 121
bidirectional path tracing (63.93 s)
Iterations: 120
vertex connection and merging (64.51 s)
Iterations: 84
glossy small spheres + point
eye light (60.09 s)
Iterations: 3333
path tracing (60.80 s)
Iterations: 349
light tracing (60.82 s)
Iterations: 466
progressive photon mapping (60.88 s)
Iterations: 304
bidirectional photon mapping (62.53 s)
Iterations: 143
bidirectional path tracing (62.68 s)
Iterations: 158
vertex connection and merging (64.30 s)
Iterations: 105
glossy small spheres + background (env. lighting)
eye light (60.15 s)
Iterations: 2142
path tracing (60.97 s)
Iterations: 309
light tracing (60.47 s)
Iterations: 805
progressive photon mapping (60.72 s)
Iterations: 427
bidirectional photon mapping (61.78 s)
Iterations: 182
bidirectional path tracing (61.89 s)
Iterations: 202
vertex connection and merging (62.51 s)
Iterations: 150